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I am a Junior at UMD. I am a Community Health Major with a Psychology Minor. I love meeting new people and am always up for a good time :)

Monday, October 12, 2009

Share and Voice: Eco-Friendly Tips

I searched for Eco Friendly tips and found this site. http://www.ecologyfund.com/ecology/res_tips.html. There are some of the basic things we already know such as conserve water and ride your bike instead of driving but there were good explanations on why we should do so. However, I thought there were a few tips I had never heard of such as leave your cat inside because cats kill about 1 billion small birds and animals each year. There were also tips such as, dispose old paint and chemicals. Not only does this site have tips, but it has the eco footprint and information we are learning about in class. Its a fun website, check it out :)


  1. Way to find this! Even though like you said it is stuff that is pretty common, it still helps to reinforce them. I'll be checking that website out more for sure. Thanks Carrie!

  2. Those are some good tips! It's good to stay refreshed on what you should do to help!


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