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I am a Junior at UMD. I am a Community Health Major with a Psychology Minor. I love meeting new people and am always up for a good time :)

Friday, December 4, 2009

Reflections Week 11 and 12

Week 11
During this week split up into three groups. Using our own words, we made up a definition that people who were not educated on the topic would understand. Then we watched a movie called "The Story of Stuff". The movie talked about where products are made and the process it goes through. Then it talks about where it all goes after.It made me realize that recycling does not always go through the proper process, which was pretty shocking to me. This movie and activity made me realize that when I am educating people for my career, I need to break it down into terms that is easy for them to understand. After the movie we split in to groups. Dr. V gave us a few different objects and it was our job to think of ways on what they could be used for. This was a fun activity and really made me realize a piece of "junk" can be turned into something useful if you use your imagination!

Week 12 
During week 12 we learned how to blog hop. This was a really cool way of being able to see everyone's photo essay. Each one of us got up and talked about what we did for eye opener and what we learned from it. Everyone had great idea's and fun photos! Then, we did an activity where we split into two groups and discussed what are some good ideas to put into our advocacy project letter. This activity was very useful because it gave me some great ideas on what to put in my letter.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 9: Weekly Update

My SMART goal
My SMART goal is to give up pop and drink only healthy fluids out of a re-usable water bottle. This is to keep me healthier and more motivated by giving up pop.

Successes and Challenges
I went home for Thanksgiving. I was around a lot of junk food and just food in general. Even though I did not eat healthy like I planned to do, I still stuck to my SMART goal and used my waterbottle instead of drinking pop. I have been drinking a lot of tea which is caffinated so I mix the powder with water and put it into my waterbottle, which is how I get my engergy. I faced challenges because when I eat unhealthy foods, I tend to want to drink unhealthy liquids so that was a little difficult. I am glad I did not give in and only drank healthy liquids.


Like I said, it was more difficult being home, eating things I would not usually eat up here at college. I set a goal which was to start eating healthier when I came back up to Duluth, which I have been doing a great job of and it feels excellent! I had a week at home to be lazy, but now that I am back in school I am more motivated to work out and eat/drink healthy.

What I learned
I learned a lot this week. I realized that there may be some weeks that you feel more sluggish and a little more unmotivated, and that's okay, sometimes your body needs a break. However, I learned how important it is get back on track and stick to your goals. Whenever I work out and eat healthy I feel a million times better. Sure it is great to have pizza now and then and to pig out once in a while, but you need to do that in moderation.

Plans for Next Week
I plan to eat/drink healthy, work out, and use my re-usable water bottle for next week. After I got back from Thanksgiving break I realized how important it is for me to get back on track. I feel a million times better when I stick to my goals!

Blogged for the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 9 hosted by Amy@Eco-Chic with Amy

Monday, November 30, 2009

Share and Voice: Super Star Blogger

I received this award from Karly for my post Barack's View on Energy and the Environment


I will be passing this "Supperstar Blogger award" to Jordanne for her share and voice post Buy Nothing Day. I really liked this post because I am not a fan of Black Friday. It is just an excuse for people to go out and buy a ton of items. I loved the video that Jordanne posted of Jon Stewart making fun of Black Friday. He makes fun of the "holiday" but to me, it was all true. It is just a reason for people to get up super early and waste a bunch of money on "cheap" items. I really like the idea of Buy Nothing Day it confronts the economies money struggles and makes people focus on the Environment. 

Award Instructions for the Award Winner(s)
  1. Leave a comment below so that I know you "picked up" the award.
  2. Within 1 week, create a Share and Voice post that says you've received the award and indicate who the award is from (be sure to hyperlink).
  3. Also indicate to whom you are going to pass on the award and why. Be sure to hyperlink the blogger (use main blog URL) and the blog title (use the specific URL for that blog post).
  4. Copy and paste these instructions at the bottom of your post. Be sure to include the Award in the post as well!
  5. Publish the post.
  6. Visit each blogger you've awarded and leave a comment telling them they've won.
  7. Continue the process...

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Eye Opener: Photo Essay

                For my photo essay I chose to report on my experience shopping at consignment stores and also at a furniture store that raises money for breast cancer.


The picture above illustrates a consignment store that I shopped at in Eden Prairie called Encore.
I went to three different stores, Encore (Eden Prairie), Nu Look and Fashion Avenue (Edina) and found great deals on mostly designer brand clothing. Everything was gently used clothing and accessories such as jewelry, purses and shoes. It was great to shop at these places because we have been learning in Environmental Health about re-using certain goods. While everyone else was shopping at the shopping malls for new items on black Friday, I was shopping for re-usable, yet fashionable clothing.

The picture above illustrates me shopping at Encore. I am proud to report back that I found a great pair of designer jeans that originally cost $160. I bought my pair of jeans for $58 (what a steal!).

Above is a picture of the "Hope Chest" located in Orono, MN. This is a very inspiring/unique store. They take donations and donated upscale furniture. All the money goes to women that are affected by breast cancer and to research in hopes of saving lives.

I was home two weeks ago. My Mom and Dad were talking about getting rid of our kitchen table because they found one they had liked better. Instead of throwing it away I suggested they bring it to the hope chest so we could donate to the cancer society. The picture above is a picture of me standing by the table that we donated! It was great to know that we are helping cancer patients by donating a simple table. I wish more stores were like this!

Reusing is very important these days. It helps not only the economy, but the land fills as well because we are not throwing away as much if we reuse. I definitely will shop at consignment stores more often. Not only is it cheaper, but healthier for our environment!

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