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I am a Junior at UMD. I am a Community Health Major with a Psychology Minor. I love meeting new people and am always up for a good time :)

Friday, October 23, 2009

Reflection: Weeks 5 & 6

Week 5:

Our eye opener on CPSI that was due this week was a great learning experience. I toured the Food Supply and found out a lot interesting information. About 1,000 Americans die each year from food bourne illnesses linked to meat. Also, livestock manuer pollutes water ways with numerous pathogens that are harmful to human health. It is scary to me that simple things such as eating meat or drinking water could be harmful. I don't think humans should have to worry about whether the water we are drinking is safe. During class we watched a video called "The Future of Food" . This was a documentary that showed how a large corporation was trying to sue family famers. It was very upsetting to see innocent family famers go through so much. They did not know what they were doing was wrong and what they worked for their whole entire life was being taken away from them.

Week 6

This week we watched "Diet for a New America". I was very excited when I found out we were watching this movie that featured John Robbins because I am reading "The Food Revolution" by him. It was great to see the documentary because I got to see his story, as well as read it :). The video was very interesting to me. I thought it was crazy seeing a mans fat come out of his clogged artery. THAT made me realize I should start eating more fruits and vegetables. This video showed real life situations and I really admire John Robbins for sticking up for his beliefs and writing such an inspirational book.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 3: Weekly Update

My SMART goal is to stop drinking pop and start drinking more water in a re-usable water bottle. I must say week two was extremely successful and a piece of cake! I am very proud of myself!

Unfortunately, I, like everyone else, was sick last week so i was not in the mood for pop one bit. I brought my water bottle to each class and filled up an average of 5 times each day. My roommates were all sick as well so I brought them to the store to get re-usable water bottles.... gotta keep hydrated!

Besides the fact that I was sick, I felt really good since I have gone 2 weeks without drinking pop. It feels sooo good to finally be dehydrated!

This week I learned how important it is for your body to drink a lot of water and juice (which I filled up my re-usable water bottle with one day). My plans for next week will be to hopefully recover from my cold and keep staying dehydrated with a lot of healthy liquids. I will also try to make sure my roommates do this as well. :)

Blogged for the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 3 hosted by Amy@Eco-Chic with Amy

Share and Voice: Life Saving Health Food Tips

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uRJ71HLcKmI&feature=related I found this youtube video to be very relaxing, and informational. There are many foods that can help combat caner, control blood pressure, soothe your skin, and lower cholesterol. I checked out their actual website  http://healthfitnesssite.com/ and found it to be very helpful as well. It shows the latest health and fitness news. It tells in detail why these fruits and vegetables are healthy for you. I learned a lot from this website, make sure to check it out :)

Monday, October 19, 2009

Share and Voice: Healthy Eating Tips

I found this website http://helpguide.org/life/healthy_eating_diet.htm and found it to be very helpful. The thing I liked most about this website is that it is realistic in that fact that it explains that eating healthy does not have to be about a strict diet or setting unrealistic goals such as being extremely thin. It is more about feeling great, keeping yourself healthy, and having more energy. 

Everyone's body works differently so they show the basic tips to eating healthy. You can learn about all the different food groups on this site and what is healthy opposed to what is not. There are tips on how to choose foods that improve your health and how to avoid foods that raise your risk for illnesses. Check it out :)

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