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I am a Junior at UMD. I am a Community Health Major with a Psychology Minor. I love meeting new people and am always up for a good time :)

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Reflection: Week 9 and 10

Week 9
During week 9 we discussed what advocacy was. We did a fun activity to understand it better. There were three groups, each had a topic relating to advocacy. My group did a short skit on what advocacy is/opposed to what is is not. I learned that helping people just out of the goodness of your heart is not advocacy but something such as standing in front of a bulldozer trying to stop it from destroying a house is advocacy.  After the activity we went over our healthy people/THOMAS  Advocacy project. I achieved my SMART goal for week 9 and was proud of myself for not giving in to drinking pop.

Week 10

This week I did pretty well with my SMART goal but I started to become more "sluggish". I decided I need to get back on track and eat healthy foods again. During class we watched the movie, "Unnatural Causes". I thought this was a very interesting movie. The movie talked about how health can be affected by your income. People living in nice neighborhoods have a higher life expectancy. The movie also talked about stress. I realized that an owner of a company may be stressed, but a janitor is more likely to be more stressed because there are other factors that go along with having a low budget.  People with low incomes may be stressed when it comes to their job,but even worse, they are stressed because they are not making enough money to support their families. An owner of a company can take a vacation to relax but for people with very low paying jobs that is the last thing they can afford to do. The stress of not being able to support your fanily and work all the time can cause high blood pressure. I thought this was a huge eye opener and would definitely recommend this video.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 7: Weekly Update

Smart Goal
My SMART goal for the semester is to drink out of a reusable water bottle and stop drinking pop. By doing this, I am saving the environment. Little things like using a reusable water bottle can make a difference. :)

Successes and Challenges
 I have been doing very well with my SMART goal. I have been bringing my water bottle to all my classes and have tried putting new liquids in it such as tea and apple cider. The only bad thing is I have not been eating as healthy as I have been the previous weeks so I have become more sluggish. I felt that drinking more water helped improve my work out and eating habbits so I would like to get back on that track.

 I feel good about my goal and am proud of myself for keeping it up. It is a little more tempting to say yes to a pop because like I said, I have not been eating as healthy. At least I am still bringing my water bottle to class and achieving my goal.

What I learned
I learned I feel much better when I drink water and eat less junk food. Not drinking any pop makes me feel healthier overall. Plus, I am spending less money by not buying it. :)

Next Week....

Next week I plan to bring my water bottle to each class and I plan to work out more and eat healthier so I don't feel so sluggish.

Blogged for the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 7 hosted by Amy@Eco-Chic with Amy.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Advocacy Project: Healthy People/THOMAS

Healthy People Goal:
The healthy people 2010 goal I chose is Arthritis conditions. The objective is to reduce the number of adults who have limitations due to arthritis that effects their daily routines. The Progress Quotient Chart shows the 18 and older adults that limitations from arthritis. This is 33%.

 Emerging Issues with Arthritis
Unfortunately, like other chronic diseases, Arthritis is due to aging. There are ways to help prevent this disease. Some strategries include physical activity and making sure you are at a healthy weight. Arthritis has some emerging issues which include an argument over non steroidal anti inflamatory drugs and heart diseases.

Opportunities and Challenges:  
Health care providers are doign everything they can to try and improve the risk of arthritis. It is very important that people are informed  with accurate information, and also that the word spreads so it can be prevented easier.


 In the past objectieves had not been met. Now days, there has been progess. For my objective, couseling adults with arthritis for weight reduction helped them more toward their main objective. 

Health Disparities 
Disparities are common for many patients who have arthritis. Unemployment rates and lack of exercise are huge factors when it comes to arthritis. Studies show white patients with arthritis have the best rates for limitations.

Title: To amend the Public Health Service Act to provide for arthritis research and public health, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep Eshoo, Anna G. [CA-14] (introduced 2/26/2009)  Cosponsors (145)
Committees: House Energy and Commerce
Latest Major Action: 2/26/2009 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce.

Recommendation: Vote yes for H.R.1210 for Public Health Service Act for Arthritis.
My Political Representatives: Senator Al Franken and Senator Amy Klobuchar

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