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I am a Junior at UMD. I am a Community Health Major with a Psychology Minor. I love meeting new people and am always up for a good time :)

Friday, December 18, 2009

Reflections Week 13 and 14

Week 13
Unfortunately I was unable to attend the Good Will adventure, due to being sick. I heard a lot of great things about it though and I'm glad the class had a good time!

Week 14
This was our last day of class. We took time to view each others junking projects which I found to be very beneficial. I got some great ideas for some new projects I can make around my house.  For my project I used an empty fuze bottle, put some confetti strings in it along with a picture of me and my friends. I had a lot of fun with this project because it allowed me to show my creative side. Lastly, we talked about what we liked about the course. I have found that my SMART goal was very benefial and kept me motivated. I have also found that I saved a lot of money by not buying pop or plastic water bottles, which also helped the environment :).

This class was extremely beneficial and I could honestly say this was one of my favorite classes. I have learned so much not only about the environment, but about myself. Environmental Health was truly the class that I would find myself talking the most about. I have educated my family and friends on the information I found most interesting such as global warming and junking. I have also found my roommates being more eco-friendly which is awesome! I found the share and voice's to be really interesting, everyone had some great things to share! Overall, I thought this was a great class and I would strongly encourage people to take this course!

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