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I am a Junior at UMD. I am a Community Health Major with a Psychology Minor. I love meeting new people and am always up for a good time :)

Friday, December 4, 2009

Reflections Week 11 and 12

Week 11
During this week split up into three groups. Using our own words, we made up a definition that people who were not educated on the topic would understand. Then we watched a movie called "The Story of Stuff". The movie talked about where products are made and the process it goes through. Then it talks about where it all goes after.It made me realize that recycling does not always go through the proper process, which was pretty shocking to me. This movie and activity made me realize that when I am educating people for my career, I need to break it down into terms that is easy for them to understand. After the movie we split in to groups. Dr. V gave us a few different objects and it was our job to think of ways on what they could be used for. This was a fun activity and really made me realize a piece of "junk" can be turned into something useful if you use your imagination!

Week 12 
During week 12 we learned how to blog hop. This was a really cool way of being able to see everyone's photo essay. Each one of us got up and talked about what we did for eye opener and what we learned from it. Everyone had great idea's and fun photos! Then, we did an activity where we split into two groups and discussed what are some good ideas to put into our advocacy project letter. This activity was very useful because it gave me some great ideas on what to put in my letter.


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