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I am a Junior at UMD. I am a Community Health Major with a Psychology Minor. I love meeting new people and am always up for a good time :)

Monday, November 23, 2009

Share and Voice 8: Barack's View on Energy and the Environment


 I thought this was a good video to share because we have been talking about Global Warming in class and it is nice to see Barack's View on the topic. I thought it was good that he addressed how it is becoming a problem and if we do not change our lifestyles and try to live more eco-friendly, we may be fine, but our children and grandchildren could be in danger. He says that we have been talking about this issue for decades, but have not done anything about it. It may take time, but if we start to change, we will better our country.


  1. Very cool! I agree it's nice to hear what he has to say. The picture is funny!!

  2. The stuff he talks about is so scary! I'm kinda scared to see what the future holds!

  3. I left you an award on my blog for this post! thanks for sharing Carrie!


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