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I am a Junior at UMD. I am a Community Health Major with a Psychology Minor. I love meeting new people and am always up for a good time :)

Friday, November 6, 2009

Reflections Week 7 and 8

                               Week 7

The Environmental Working Group was a huge eye opener to me. I thought it was crazy how products we use on a daily basis can be so toxic. It is scary to me that we are putting those products on our face, it does not seem safe at all. We watched the movie "Green" which was an excellent film. I thought it was really cool how a grad student made the documentary. It was really sad to watch because showed how pollutants in the United States are causing diseases and are harmful to some places in the United States. It is so unreal to me that this is happening and the chemical plants seem to have a huge part in this problem. 

Week 8
We started the week with an eye opener called Junk on the Brain. I was really facinated with what I found out. We defined terms such as upcycling, which I thought was really cool because it showed different objects that have been re-used and made into fun objects. I also looked up where shops such as thrift shops, flea markets, and antique shops are located in Duluth. This was a huge eye opener for me because I have thrown out a lot of "junk" that someone could have used. 

We watched the movie "Thirst" which was about privatizing water in certain towns and people having to pay to use it. I thought this was crazy because water is a neccessity and you need it to live. You can't just not take that away from people.  After the movie we talked about our blogs and what we can do to make them look better which was very helpful :).


  1. I throw out a lot of 'junk' as well, so now I'll have to start paying more attention and see if I can make into something else or use it for something. I also agree with you on water being a necessity and they shouldn't just take it away from people. It will be interesting to see how that turns out in the next couple years.

  2. I was shocked too about the privatizing of water! I can't believe they would do that! It doesn't seem fair at all!


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