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I am a Junior at UMD. I am a Community Health Major with a Psychology Minor. I love meeting new people and am always up for a good time :)

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 5: Weekly Update

                 SMART GOAL
My SMART goal is to stop drinking pop and start drinking healthier fluids out of a re-usable water bottle. 

      Successes and Challenges

The good news is I used my water bottle all week long and brought it to every class. The bad news is that I splurged this weekend and had two pops. It had not been too difficult for me the following weeks, but my friends all had a pop and so I gave in. :(
                           How I feel
I will admit, I am a little disappointed in myself. I had been doing very well and felt very healthy. When I think about it though, I used to drink pop all the time and me having 2 pops in about 4 weeks is actually very good for me.

                             What I Learned
After drinking two cokes it made me realize I am just fine without drinking pop, and I love how I feel drinking water. I have felt a lot healthier these past 4 weeks. I have been working out a lot and drinking lots of healthy fluids. I used to think I needed a pop every time I felt a little sluggish to wake me up. I have learned that is definitely not the case and there are other healthier drinks that will have the same affect.

              Plans for Next Week 
Next week I plan to not "give in" to any temptations and stay committed with my SMART goal. Overall I am proud of myself. I love how I feel when I do not drink pop and I want to stick with the original plan :). 

Blogged for the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 5 hosted by Amy@Eco-Chic with Amy.


  1. Awesome update! It helps to have a little bumps along the way to make yourself more determined to achieve your goal! Keep it up girl!

  2. It's great that you learned that about yourself!

  3. Awesome job! Looks like you are learning things through this all!


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