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I am a Junior at UMD. I am a Community Health Major with a Psychology Minor. I love meeting new people and am always up for a good time :)

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Reflections week 3 and 4

Week 3
I am finally starting to get the hang of blogging, just like Dr. V said we would. I have been having a lot of fun with it and I have been learning a lot of exciting things! We did not have class the third week of school. Instead we set up a 15 minute appointment with Steve, which was extremely helpful! Meeting with him made me feel on track and more comfortable about the work I was doing. He told me things I needed to work on such as the labels and following everyone in class. I am really happy with my blog so far :).

Week 4 
We started out with a fun game that had to do with questions about blogging. I thought this was the perfect game because this way I could test my knowledge. I felt really comfortable with about 95% of the questions, which made me feel relieved. I got an easy question and had to answer if it was true or false to always comment on Dr. V's posts. This is true, you should always comment on her posts, along with your group members to give them feedback. We all got a prize for answering the question correctly. I, of course, got tampons. I thought that was really funny because I was not expecting that at all :P. 

After the game, we watched a movie called, "The Inconvenient Truth". This movie definitely opened my eyes and made me realize how big of a problem global warming is. The video featured the United States 45th Vice President,  Al Gore , speaking out about how global warming does in fact exist and how big of an impact is will have on our planet. 

I did not realize how serious global warming was until I saw the Inconvenient Truth. Seeing the pictures of how the planet was years ago, and seeing how the same places have drastically changed is very scary to me. It has already affected a lot land, and also animals such as polar bears. Polar bears have been drowning because there is not enough ice for them to swim to. This movie made me realize even more how important it is to help out the environment as much as we possible. They say global warming may not effect us in our lifetime, but the truth is, it already has and it will continue to worsen for our children and grandchildren if we don't change our bad habits.


  1. It has been an interesting couple of weeks! The meeting with the TAs were awesome I thought, so we could make sure we were on track. The movie was definitely a shock. I sure hope the government decides to start doing something soon about global warming!!

  2. It's sad that polar bears are dying cause of the climate change! It's scary to think how this could affect the people in our lives later in life, like you said with our grandchildren. Government needs to take action now!


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