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I am a Junior at UMD. I am a Community Health Major with a Psychology Minor. I love meeting new people and am always up for a good time :)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Chnage Week: 1 My SMART Goal

My SMART lifestyle change goal is to give up drinking pop and start drinking 3 glasses of water a day in a re-usable water bottle. This lifesyle change is eco-chic because I will stop throwing away several plastic bottles per week, which I feel is great for the environment.

I chose to start using a re-usable water bottle because i started drinking way too much pop and not enough water, causing myself to become dehydrated often. By giving up pop I will hopefully feel more healthy, and also I will be doing the environment a favor by not throwing away multiple bottles per week.

I am very excited to start this process because I have wanted a reason to give up drinking pop. Now, I can help myself and the environment at the same tim. :)


  1. I like your goal a lot! I never drink soda and I'm constantly drinking from my water bottle, so I can't wait to see what you have to say about the change!

  2. Love the goal! I'm doing the water bottle thing too! Minus the no soda thing, but I very rarely drink it as it is. I'm excited to hear how it goes for you!


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