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I am a Junior at UMD. I am a Community Health Major with a Psychology Minor. I love meeting new people and am always up for a good time :)

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 7: Weekly Update

Smart Goal
My SMART goal for the semester is to drink out of a reusable water bottle and stop drinking pop. By doing this, I am saving the environment. Little things like using a reusable water bottle can make a difference. :)

Successes and Challenges
 I have been doing very well with my SMART goal. I have been bringing my water bottle to all my classes and have tried putting new liquids in it such as tea and apple cider. The only bad thing is I have not been eating as healthy as I have been the previous weeks so I have become more sluggish. I felt that drinking more water helped improve my work out and eating habbits so I would like to get back on that track.

 I feel good about my goal and am proud of myself for keeping it up. It is a little more tempting to say yes to a pop because like I said, I have not been eating as healthy. At least I am still bringing my water bottle to class and achieving my goal.

What I learned
I learned I feel much better when I drink water and eat less junk food. Not drinking any pop makes me feel healthier overall. Plus, I am spending less money by not buying it. :)

Next Week....

Next week I plan to bring my water bottle to each class and I plan to work out more and eat healthier so I don't feel so sluggish.

Blogged for the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 7 hosted by Amy@Eco-Chic with Amy.


  1. The picture of the slug is funny! At least you are aware of your 'bad' eating habits, because now all you have to do is change them. Way to stick to drinking healthier fluids though!

  2. I liked the picture too! It's good that you know you are eating bad so it's easier to convince yourself to start eating better. Hopefully! Keep up the good work!


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