"The Food Revolution" was a great book with a lot of interesting information. The author, John Robbins, was raised in a wealthy environment and could have easily taken over his families ice cream company, Basken Robbins which would have lead him to a successful life. It is very inspiring to see that he chose his own path, moved to British Columbia, and lived financially unstable. He did this to stand up for what he believed in, which was to grow most of their food, learn the truth about food, and the process it goes though to get to our plates and teach the world about his findings. The book talks about diets, genetically modified foods and health effects.
Three Most Significant things I Learned
I learned about vegetarians. I learned that statistics show that blod cholesterol levels of vegetarians compaired to non vegetarians are 14% lower. Soy proteins hae been found to lower cholesterol levels and eating healthy reduces your risks of many diseases. It also lets you experience many levels of passion in your life.
The average U.S. kid sees 1,000 ads each week that promotes eating unhealthy. This includes retaurants such as McDonalds and Taco Bell. Most kids sgtart eating unhealthy at an early age which puts them on the path to bad habbits and obesity. More than 5,000 schools in the United States have contracts with fast food companies and suppl vending machines, this only supports unhealthy eating.
Lastly, I learned about slaughter houses and how farmers have been economically advantagous to raise their animals in conditions that are unnatural and unhealthy. Animals are stuck in cages, some cages are so small they cannot take a single step in their entire lifetime. 70% of U.S. pigs have pneumonia at the time of slaughter. Also, 90,000 cows and calves are slaughtered every 24 hours in the U.S. and 14,000 chickens are slaughtered every minute.
What Does it Mean to Me and Why is it Important?
This book was very beneficial for me to read. It completely changed the way I vew my foods, especially meats. Learing how the animals were tortured and what chemicals they put into our foods is making me re-think the foods I buy at the grocery store. I have also learned about certain diets and how most of them provide completely untrue information. Lastly, a shocking thing I read was that advertisement such as the milk mustache commercial provides false information. They say that drinking milk will decrease your risk of osteoporosis, when all they really wanted was to get their advertisement out so they could sell more of their product. It makes you think twice about what you buy and what is actually true.
I would definitely recommend this book. The author, John Robbins, is very passionate and "real" about what he is talking about. He is puts things into perspective so that everyone can understand the statistics. This book is very eye opening and provides a lot of benefical/shocking information! I suggest everyone read "The Food Revolution'!!!
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15 years ago
That seems like a great book! Looks like you learned a lot!